
Class of 2024

Stephanie Gibbs
Matt Harris
Tanya Hoffman
Michelle Jackson
Phil Jackson
Gwynne Spann

Class of 2025

Cora Howe
Marie Kootstra
Nancy Rogers
Heidi Taghavian
Cindy Van Beek
Adriaan Vanderwalt
Brigitte Vanderwalt
Katie Verbick

Class of 2026

Barbara Altis
Tom Bianchini
Cheryl Cobbs
Coleen Hildeburn
Arlene Lockett
Suzanne McGurk
Larry Santillanez
Amy Witte  


Class of 2024

Alan Foster
Shawn Moore
Carol Skinner

Class of 2025

Dave Flores
Jonathan List
Nancy Boersma

Class of 2026

Dave Drotts Melissa Hightower Bart Mehlhop