Fremont, through its Local Mission Committee, currently partners with twelve organizations to assist those in need in the greater Sacramento area by providing financial support, publicity, and volunteers for the organizations.
Central Downtown Food Basket -- distributes food to elderly and low-income individuals and families. cdfb.org
City of Refuge – City of Refuge Sacramento exist to support people living in marginalized communities of Sacramento, and to empower their ability to create a personal transformation that will lead to a healthy, thriving community. cityofrefugesac.com
Earl Warren School – a low socio-economic city school, which Fremont has adopted by providing volunteers for classroom tutoring, music education, physical education, art instruction, annual health fair, fundraising assistance, and other supportive activities for students and teachers. elementaryschools.org
Family Promise – provides temporary housing for homeless families at rotating volunteer churches, including Fremont, in Sacramento County, with the goal of helping parents to develop self-sufficiency/ independence and to obtain permanent housing. sacfamilypromise.org
Francis House – provides computers and resources for employment seekers, motel vouchers, funds for transportation to work interviews and work sites, toiletries, and other assistance. francishousecenter.org
The GreenHouse – offers after-school tutoring, mentoring, spiritual development, and leadership development for under-resourced youth.
Loaves & Fishes – provides meals, daytime shelter, and other services to the homeless. sacloaves.org
Mustard Seed School – provides schooling and nurturing for homeless children between 3 and 15 years near Loaves & Fishes until they can attend public school. sacloaves.org/programs/mustardseedschool
Sacramento Literacy Program – a Fremont program that provides volunteer tutoring to adults wanting to improve their proficiency in speaking, reading, comprehension, and writing in English.
Sacramento Urban InterVarsity – provides a ministry to college and university students, including giving the students the opportunity to serve those in need in partnership with a local non-profit. Its vision is for student and faculty transformation, campus renewal, and development of world changers. sacramentourbanintervarsity.weebly.com
St. John’s Program for Real Change – provides safety and hope to homeless women and their children, including shelter, domestic and mental health counseling, drug/alcohol treatment and intervention, job training and placement, parenting classes, fitness and nutrition classes, beauty services, budgeting and financial classes, and an after-care program for shelter graduates with the goal that the mothers will become self-sustaining. saintjohnsprogram.org
World Relief – In community with the local Church, World Relief envisions the most vulnerable people transformed economically, socially, and spiritually.
For more information, you can contact Fremont Local Mission Committee chairperson Kim Vagadori at kimberleehomer@yahoo.com