“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2
Did you know that Jesus Himself intercedes for us? Yes, our High Priest prays for us! You can read about it in the book of John, chapter 17. John 17:9 says, “I am praying for them. I am not praying for the world but for those whom you have given me, for they are yours.” Jesus prays for the body of Christ, that we are kept from the evil one, that we are sanctified in truth, and that we may be one with the Father, just as He is one with the Father. In John 17:24 Jesus expresses His desire for us saying “may (they) be with me where I am.” Jesus continues in verse 26 saying He will continue to make known the name of God to us and asks “…that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I in them.” What an amazing prayer request and what’s even more lovely is we are the recipients of His prayer requests. He is having a loving and in-depth conversation with God the Father about us! About you and me. He knows and understands the temptations and dangers of the world and brings those concerns to the Father, praying on our behalf!
Submit your prayer request. We have a prayer team that will pray for you!
Do you have a testimony or a praise report? Share with us how God has answered your prayers by emailing fremontcommunications@fremontpres.org.
The Fremont Prayer Meeting is an opportunity to seek God together, interceding on behalf of our church community, our city, and our world. Jesus invites us into conversation with Him through prayer. Together we are asking for God’s guidance, leading for our church, for spiritual renewal in our congregation community, and for an increase of the Gospel spreading to our community. Join us for a monthly prayer meeting on the fourth Wednesday of the month, 7:30 - 8:30 pm in the Chapel.
Prayer Banner Team
Romans 12:15 says "Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep." The Prayer Banner Team is available after each Sunday Worship Service for anyone to come into agreement with another brother or sister in Christ bringing all kinds of petitions and requests before God. The prayer banner team is led and organized by Mary Hall who also provides training for those serving on the team. If you are interested in participating in this ministry or wanting to serve on a prayer team please reach out to Mary Hall at, bea_and_biddy@yahoo.com.
Relentless Pursuit Prayer Meeting - Tuesdays at 6:00 am on Zoom
We relentlessly pursue God in prayer to grow the church body into lifelong followers of Jesus, and pray for His transformation of our neighborhood, our city, and our world. To join please email Holly Winckel at holly@fremontpres.org for the zoom information.