Watch our FNS Welcome Video to learn more about our nursery school

Fremont Nursery School seeks to provide a warm and nurturing environment that promotes the physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual development of young children. The staff’s extensive knowledge and experience of best practices in early childhood education is the foundation of our programs as we recognize that each child is a unique person with an individual pattern and timing of growth. We strive to provide stimulating materials conducive to exploring, experimenting, problem solving, and decision making all in a play-based setting.

The programs we offer are:

     Children 3 years old (and potty trained)

  • 2 days per week -Tuesday and Thursday

  • 3 days per week – Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

     Children 4 years old

  • 3 days per week – Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

    • This option is suspended for the 2023-2024 school year

  • 5 days per week – Monday through Friday

     Junior Kindergarten

  • For children age eligible to enter Kindergarten but who would benefit from 1 more year of preschool

  • For children who miss the cut-off date to enter Kindergarten (ages 4.9-5.0)

    Please email the FNS office for current tuition fees.