Fremont Missions

Fremont is a missional church that is called together by God to love Him and serve Him.  As a missional church, Fremont desires to transform our neighborhoods, our city, and the world by creating disciples of Jesus Christ through the use of our finances, our time and our talents. 

Mission Partner Highlight

ICDM has been working for over a quarter century to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the unreached in the Dominican Republic and Haiti. Through its primary school, pastor training, school of evangelism, and church services, ICDM teaches people the truth of God’s love and grace. Fremont comes alongside ICDM with mission trips to help better equip them for their mission.

Local Mission Partnerships

Fremont’s Local Mission Committee currently manages partnerships with local organizations in the greater Sacramento area. The partnerships allow us to support monetarily as well as provide volunteers for the organizations and their events.

Global Mission Partnerships

Fremont’s Go Global Team manages partnerships with global missionaries or organizations. By partnering with these individuals through financial support and prayer allows our church to effect change for the Kingdom globally.

Short Term Mission Trips

Every two years, Fremont members go on a medical team short term mission to Jamaica. From time to time, Fremont members also go on evangelical short-term mission trip to areas like Ethiopia and Haiti.  Fremont members are also involved in activities such as CRU, Athletes in Action, and Intervarsity.

Jamaica Medical Mission - February 2025

Fremont will be taking a team of doctors, dentists, nurses, dental hygienists/assistants, pharmacists, physical/occupational therapists, handymen/women, general helpers, and teens to Manchester Parish, Jamaica February 15th - 27th in 2025. This is an incredible opportunity to minister to the physical and spiritual needs of the Jamaican people serving the poor who have little or no access to medical care. Participation fee is $1100 plus airfare. For more information, please attend the interest meeting on Sunday, June 23rd at 12:00 pm in E210. Early application is necessary to assure a spot on the team. 

ICDM Dominican Republic Mission - November 13th -20th, 2024

Fremont is excited to minister to the children in the Dominican Republic for the first time since the pandemic. Anyone 18 years of age or older are welcome to join and children 10-18 may come accompanied by a parent or guardian. The cost of mission trip is $2500 and should not hinder anyone feeling called to sign up. Fundraising is encouraged as it is important to gather financial support and prayer support from family and friends. If you are interested in this exciting opportunity to serve Christ in a cross-cultural setting, please reach out to the church office to get in contact with the mission organizer.

Fremont Mission Gallery ·

Fremont Mission Gallery ·

For more information, questions, or to participate in mission work here at Fremont, reach out to our Mission Coordinator, Jessica Fengel, at