Pastor Search Process

Follow along with us as we make progress on the Pastor Search Process.

The Senior Pastor Search Team was approved by the congregation at the congregational meeting held on April 21st, 2024, and are as follows: Tim Aust, Russell Brown, Marty Boersma, Patti Dusel, Cyndi Hogan, Marni Love, Kalen Skinner, & Kyle Watters

What step are we on?

Step 3 - Active Search

Step 1 Initial Steps

  • Appoint Interim Leaders (completed)

  • Initiate Intercessory Prayer Team (completed)

  • Session Nominates Search Team Members

  • Congregational Meeting to Elect Pastor Search Team

Step 2 Prepare for Search

  • Review Past Searches

  • Meet with Presbytery Liaison for Orientation

  • Meet with Session to Confirm Mission and Values

  • Decide on Whether to Engage a Consultant or Search Firm

  • Decide Whether to do a Congregational Survey

  • Assemble Community Demographic Information

  • Identify Key Characteristics/Priorities

  • Submit to Session for Approval

  • Complete Church Information Form (CIF)

  • Submit the CIF to Session for Approval

  • Develop a Church and Pastor Profile

Step 3 Active Search

  • Publicize the Position

  • Receive Applications

  • Interview Potential Candidates

  • Assess Candidates and Develop a Short List

  • Conduct Reference Checks

  • Final Interviews

  • Select a Candidate

Step 4 Final Steps

  • Candidate Meets Informally with the Presbytery Liaison

  • Candidate Attends Fremont Worship (confidentially)

  • Session/Candidate Meet and Greet

  • Decision to Recommend Call to Congregation

  • Candidate Meets with Presbytery Ministerial Committee for Initial Examination

Step 5 Congregational Process

  • Session Calls Congregational Meeting after Initial Presbytery Review

  • Candidate Preaches at Fremont

  • Congregational Meeting to Call the Candidate and Approve Terms of Call

  • Candidate Accepts the Call

Step 6 Presbytery Approval

  • Presbytery Examines and Approves Candidate

  • Candidate Installed at Fremont