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Commitment Sunday

On November 18th, we will finish our Stewardship emphasis with Commitment Sunday. At all of our services, we will take a moment in the service to ask individuals and families to come forward and put their commitment for 2019 in a basket.


With your giving and your commitment to give, we can better anticipate how God might be calling us to Grow. We want to grow in our ability to make life-long followers of Jesus. Your giving also enables us to Give. Give care to those in our midst who are hurting. Give support to long-standing ministry partners. Finally, your giving and your promise to give enables us to Go. We know that God is not finished with us yet. There are places He has called us to Go to bring good news.


  • Modern Service: Children will be joining their parents on Commitment Sunday for the first part of the service.  Begin by checking your children into Kids Check then proceed directly to church in the CLC WITH your children.  After the commitment portion of the service, K-5th grade children will be dismissed and escorted back to their children’s program by our staff/volunteers.  Parents must escort pre-school children to class if they have participated in the commitment time.

  • Classic Service: Commitment time will occur at the end of the service.  Begin by checking your children into Kids Check then you may either have your children attend the entire service with you OR you may drop them off in their Sunday School class and return to get them, when directed, to participate in the commitment time at the end of service.

You can respond by returning your completed commitment card to the church office, to Commitment Sunday on November 18th or by indicating your commitment online at

Earlier Event: November 3
Mission Biscotti Final Bake Day
Later Event: November 24
Christmas Market: Gifts of Hope