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Mexico 2019

Fremont is sending a team of high school short term missionaries and their leaders to Mexico to be the tangible hands and feet of Christ. By going to Mexico we will be answering God’s call of the Great Commission. You can be a factor in the Great Commission by partnering with us to help make this trip possible. By supporting the mission trip you will be going without actually attending the trip. Here are some ways that you can contribute:

  1. Please pray for the team. Mission begins and ends with prayer and it is the foundation of ministry and our walk with Christ. We would like to have every minute of every day covered in prayer, so pray with us and for us.

  2. You can donate medicines and bless someone in Mexico. We will be providing medical and vision clinics. Medication is very expensive in Mexico, if even available. We would be grateful for any donations of unopened, unexpired medications. If you buy medicine, please get the largest quantity/bottle. But, we appreciate any size or quantity. Whatever you give may help an entire family. Medication donations must be received by Sunday, April 8th and can be brought to the Church Office or placed in the bins in the lobby. See listed of medicines below:

    • Tums (or store brand)

    • Omeprazole (Prilosec)

    • Ranitidine (Zantac)

    • Prenatal Vitamins

    • Kids’ Gummy Vitamins

    • Adult Vitamins

    • Cetirizine (Zyrtec)

    • Fexofenadine (Allegra)

    • Hydrocortizone cream

    • Ibuprofen (adult)

    • Guaifenesin syrup (adult or kids)

    • Iron tablets (adult)

    • Iron gummies for kids

    • Dimetapp Cold and Cough

If you have any other questions about the trip contact Steve Bailey at (916) 452-7132 x 258 or

Earlier Event: April 13
All-Church Workday