Athletes in Action(Douglas family) – For the last four years we have served with Athletes In Action in Northern California. We desire to see a Christ-follower on every team, in every sport, in every athletic department in our region. We believe that these athletes have the potential through their platform to impact their teams, campuses, communities and the world with the gospel. Jacob serves as a Local Team leader for Athletes In Action, leading a team of eight full-time staff and a handful of volunteers. In addition, he gives coaching and oversight to our student led movements at University of the Pacific and Sonoma State. give.cru.org/0599347
World Outreach Missionary Family– This family want to see God’s light and goodness impact the 90,000 people in Tetovo, Macedonia. Tetovo has no church among the Albanian Muslim population, which has been left lifeless and devoid of hope after years of combined Islam and Communist influence. But God! God is moving, raising up his children to go and call the people of Tetovo to Himself. They have been called to join a small team that is actively involved in transforming this little community through creative outreach.
CRU (The Jesus Film) – Jesus Film Projext carries more than 30 short and feature length films, and has partnered with more than 1,500 ministries to see more than 500 million indicate decisions to follow Jesus. The Jesus Film Project’s goal is to help people experience Jesus in their own language using media tools and momentum-building strategies. The fact that “JESUS” has been recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the “Most Translated Film” in history reveals how seriously we take the objective to share the gospel with people from every nation, tribe and tongue.
Bill Massaquoi is sponsored by Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC)/International Theological Network (ITEN) as a missionary in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Kenya. His mission goal is to train pastors and church workers in Muslim dominated regions. He works at a Christian university and for a non-profit organization that helps families get good housing and education services. Bill’s plans include engaging in church planting and developing a pastor mobile training institute/program, working with ITEN in faculty development and library development at Gbaranga School of Theology, doing ITEN team training in Sierra Leone, and doing ministry in Nairobi, Kenya. // www.epcwo.org/iten
Daystar University is an interdenominational Christian center of higher learning located in Nairobi, Kenya. They offer undergraduate and graduate degrees. Their goal is to educate and develop African leaders who are instilled with faith, integrity and high ethical standards. Graduates are prepared to be leaders in government, business, education and churches throughout Africa.
Gwendolyn Davies (Wycliffe Bible Translators) serves as web editor and writer for the Wycliffe Global Alliance website, www.wycliffe.net, sharing prayer information and stories about Bible translation efforts being carried out by Wycliffe and more than 100 Bible translation organizations worldwide. Gwen attended Fremont while a student at CSUS in the mid-1980s and has been a member since 1994. Since 1999 she has served Bibleless peoples through administrative support and communications in Latin America and the U.S., and on behalf of Deaf language communities.
International Christian Development Mission (ICDM) – Haiti ICDM has been working for over a quarter century to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the unreached in Bayonnais, Haiti. Through its primary school, pastor training, school of evangelism, and church services, ICDM -- Haititi teaches the people in this remote mountain valley the truth of God’s love and grace. Fremont comes alongside ICDM – Haiti with regular mission trips to help better equip them for their Mission. // www.icdm.us
Near East School of Theology is an interdenominational Protestant seminary serving the evangelical churches of the Middle East. Established in 1932, it is located in Beirut, Lebanon. They offer undergraduate and graduate degrees. They have a history of building understanding and advocating for peace and justice in a volatile part of the world. // www.theonest.edu.lb/en/home
Shekkacho Ministry is Fremont’s long partnership with the Shekkacho, a peoples’ group in Ethiopia. They are affiliated with the Ethiopian Evangelical Mekane Yesus Church. Ministry areas include Bible translation, education, evangelism, microenterprise, outreach and water system development. Fremont partners with the Maasha and Yeki Presbyteries in Ethipopia. // www.eecmy.com
Ste. Croix Hospital in Leogane, Haiti, provides a regional healthcare program. It is affiliated with the FSIL nursing school and coordinate community health workers and village clinics. They are rebuilding after the 2010 earthquake using earthquake and hurricane-resistant materials and methods. // www.mbfoundation.org/what-do-we-do/international-partners/hospitals/hopital-ste-croix/
Witnessing Ministries of Christ are changing the lives of Dalit Christians (formerly known as untouchable) through education. They provide bus and van transportation so children can attend schools. They have been sharing the gospel through the Exodus Christian Presbyterian Church in India for over 25 years. // www.witnessingministries.com
For more information, please contact Jeff Hightower at goldenbear1998@gmail.com.