Monday, January 25
Scripture: John 6
Key points to ponder: The “work” God asks of us is to believe in the Messiah (Jesus) (v. 29). The Father is the one who provides true life and fulfillment; He does this by sending Jesus to the world (vv. 32-33). God promises that anyone who believes in Jesus as the Savior will have eternal life in heaven and be fully satisfied (v. 40).
Challenging terms: “Feeding on [His] flesh” and “drinking of [His] blood” (v. 54) are not meant to be literal but rather signify trusting and believing in Jesus’ death as the forgiveness for the sins of mankind. Jesus refers to Himself as the “living bread” meaning that, because He gives up His physical body/life on the cross, we can find full spiritual satisfaction in Him. The manna mentioned in verse 31 refers to the bread that God gave daily to the Israelites as they were in the wilderness, waiting to be delivered into the Promised Land.
Question: What does Jesus say is promised to those who “look on the Son and believe in Him” according to the will of the Father?
Prayer: Father, thank you that we can be confident in your commitment to us. Thank you that you are faithful and that you come through on your promises. Thank you for satisfying our every hunger and thirst and promising us eternal life with You, all through Jesus, our Savior.
Consider praying for God to strengthen your belief in Him and as well as that you would see your daily need be sustained by Christ.