Scripture: John 11

Key points to ponder: 1) Right after saying that Jesus loved them it then says that Jesus waited 2 days after hearing of Lazarus’ death (v. 6) to go to Lazarus. While this may not have made sense in the moment Jesus wanted to be sure that the resurrection of Lazarus wasn’t misconstrued as only a resuscitation. 2) Death cannot hurt the one who believes in Jesus (vv. 25-26). 3) Even with the plain evidence of the miracle of the resurrection some still denied it (vv. 46-48). When our hearts are hard it doesn’t matter how much evidence we have. 

Challenging terms: Pharisees, chief priests, and the Sandhedrin are all religious leaders (vv. 46-47). “Then the Romans will come and take away both our temple and nation” (v. 48). This referred to the religious leaders being worried that if people made a big deal of Jesus that Rome, who occupied the land, would feel threatened and come in and use force.

Question: How have you viewed the delays in your life to things you really want as being the opposite of loving? 

Prayer: Father, thank you that in Christ you have destroyed the ultimate weapon-death. 

Consider praying that this truth will penetrate your heart so that you would live your life boldly for you and boldly share this good news with others. Father, open my eyes in new ways to see the clear ways you are working in my life.