Scripture: John 15
Key points to ponder: This passage paints a picture of complete dependence on God, and calls for his disciples to live their lives gathering all their strength and guidance from him by “abiding” in him (vs 4-7). Jesus also calls the disciples to love one another by abiding in Christ’s love, which is the greatest love (vs 13).
Challenging terms: Vineyards (vs 1-8) are used symbolically many times in the Bible. Here it is showing followers of Jesus depending on him and bearing fruit (living lives impacted by belief in God). “The world” (vs 18-20) is a frequent phrase in the New Testament which generally refers to society in all its totality, so not the physical earth, but the kingdom of humanity, in a sense. The word abiding means to remain connected to. On one hand this happens at the moment we trust Christ as Savior. That’s why the Bible refers to us as, “In Christ.” On the other hand, even as Christians, every day is an opportunity to live a life that reflects that connection and dependence upon Christ.
Question: How can you abide in God today, and depend fully on his love for your provision and strength?
Prayer: Father, thank you that we don’t need to live in our own strength, but that we can be fully dependent on you as we abide in you.
Consider praying: Father, teach me to be still before you and abide in you, trusting in you and loving others as you fill us with your love.