KEY POINTS TO PONDER: Bad things don’t happen to people because they are evil (vv. 1-5). Many Christians have heard an encouragement to further or advance the kingdom of God, but what does that actually entail? Verses 18-20 give us some important insight. Notice that the one who planted the mustard seed didn’t make the plant grow, and the woman who put the leaven in the dough didn’t make the dough rise. This means that it isn’t our job to build up God’s kingdom; God will do that for us. If we tried to make God’s kingdom on earth ourselves, not only would we be incapable of it, but we would be instead bringing our own sinful little kingdoms to earth! So, to plant a seed, to put some leaven in dough, means to be faithful with the authority that God has given us of sharing about Jesus and loving and serving others. We aren’t expected to make people believe in Jesus or to make places and people more like Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:6-7 points to this truth, saying: “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.” 

CHALLENGING TERMS: Verses 31-35 can be a little hard to understand, but essentially Jesus, in response to the Pharisee’s threat that Herod was after him, was saying that no matter what Herod did, Jesus knew he was sent to accomplish his plan of dying on the cross and being raised on the third day (verse 32: “the third day I finish my course”). 

Reflection: What is a seed or a little leaven you can be faithful with today? 

Prayer: Father, thank you that you are the one who builds up and grows your kingdom on earth. Show me what it means to be faithful to plant seeds that you will take and bring an increase to your kingdom.