KEY POINTS TO PONDER: As said in the introduction of this guide, one of the key themes which Luke hits on is the danger of money. 1 Timothy 6:10 talks about the love of money being the root of all kinds of evil. Much of Luke 16 speaks to this, and speaks especially about how money can keep us from entering into a relationship with Jesus. The story of the dishonest manager (vv. 1-9) shows how even non-Christians know that money is just a means to an end for more important things, such as relationships with others and provisions like food and water. It should be used to access that which is of greatest value, God, instead of being sought after as if money itself were what can really fill our needs. The story of the rich man and Lazarus (vv. 19-31) speaks about this as well, as the rich man’s wealth is hinted at being the very thing which became a hindrance to him from entering heaven. As Christians, we need to remember this important truth as we look at our own finances and consider how they might be treated as means to something greater, not a need to be filled. 

CHALLENGING TERMS: The story of the rich man and Lazarus is more of an abstract example to teach a lesson than a literal story, but the lesson Jesus was trying to get across is strikingly clear. 

REFLECTION: Has money been an idol in your life recently? How can you use money as a means to an end rather than an end in and of itself? 

PRAYER: Thank you, God, that we can use all our money and resources to put them towards the greatness of your kingdom. Please show me creative ways to invest my resources into your kingdom.