KEY POINTS TO PONDER: God steps in and does something incredible and unheard of; a radical, anti-Christian Pharisee who has been maliciously hunting down followers of Jesus suddenly becomes a follower himself. This man (Saul) had everything he could want; power, money, a good reputation, success and intelligence. He grew up thinking that he could get to God by his “perfect” performance, but instead God reached out to him on the road to Damascus (verse 4) and said, “Saul, you are persecuting me.” And in the midst of this insane, horrendous failure, Saul (now Paul) experiences grace. It changes him entirely. God calls Paul to share the good news of Jesus with Gentiles. As Christians, God will call us to do things we would never have imagined doing or to lifestyles we’d never have imagined living. The amazing grace of Christ brings transformations to us, and to our lives. As we continue in the book of Acts we’ll see just how much Paul’s transformed heart leads to a transformed life. 

CHALLENGING TERMS: It is interesting how some miracles make it into the scriptures even if they seem smaller than others. In the healing of Aeneas by Peter (verses 32-35) it may seem strange that this simple healing was significant. But in verse 35 it says “all the residents of Lydda and Sharon saw him, and they turned to the Lord.” Jesus used this single healing of a bedridden man to bring salvation to two entire towns! 

REFLECTION: Why would a belief in Jesus change the way one lives their life? Since becoming a follower of Jesus, how has your lifestyle changed? 

PRAYER: Father, thank you that your radical grace transforms us and allows us to live new lives! 

Pray for God to so transform your heart so that your life would reflect his amazing grace.