KEY POINTS TO PONDER: When Jesus talks about the end times, as he does in verses 5-36, it need not be frightening. It is a good thing that we don’t need to worry about figuring out every single detail of when he will return, but instead we can focus on waiting faithfully and expectantly. Jesus says when persecution comes that we shouldn’t get caught up about what we’re going to say when we are persecuted for our faith, because he will give us the words we need. Another commandment is to watch ourselves, so that we may not get carried away by earthly thinking and earthly obsessions. Being aware of the future as Jesus shares it should spur us on to pray for strength to overcome temptations. Jesus simultaneously gives us peace that he will be with us, and a sense of urgency lest we get lazy or distracted. To be ready for the end times is to be both prayerfully alert and deeply at peace.
CHALLENGING TERMS: Whenever the Son of Man is mentioned by Jesus (v. 27), he is talking about himself in reference to his coming reign and kingship over creation. This is because in the Old Testament the prophet Daniel described “one like the son of man” coming to receive kingship from God (Daniel 7:13-14) as a reference to Jesus.
REFLECTION: Do you tend to be more of a worrier or someone easily distracted when it comes to the end times? How might Jesus’ words bring peace in your worries? How might Jesus’ words give you a sense of urgency amidst your distractions?
PRAYER: Father, thank you that you are always with us and you give us strength for hard and evil times! Help calm my fears so that I would be prayerful and alert towards your future plans.