Fremont Children’s Ministry Presents


Journey to Bethlehem:

An interactive family experience sharing the story of Jesus’ birth

Come experience the birth of Jesus in the little town of Bethlehem.  Journeys begin in the Sanctuary every 20 minutes starting at 1:00.  Last journey departs at 3:20. See this timeless story unfold, meet the shepherds and wisemen who were among the first to visit the newborn King, stop by Mary and Joseph at the stable and stay to pet the animals who welcomed the baby Jesus, and try your luck at the Inn.  Play some games and create some Christmas crafts along the way.  You’ll want to set aside 45 minutes to an hour to enjoy your Bethlehem experience.

At the event we will be collecting warm winter hats, scarves and mittens/gloves for children ages 5-15 who attend the Mustard Seed School, a school for children currently experiencing homelessness here in Sacramento.

Reservations not required.

Mask policy will reflect county guidelines in place at the time of the event.

Questions?  Contact